Although the measurement of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness is a useful technique to differentiate the gloucomatous and ocular hipertensive cases from the normal cont-rols, No direct relationship between the RNFL measurements and corneal thickness were shown due to the lack of the corneal compansator in our device which is used in the study.
Intraocular pressure, central corneal thickness, The Number value, avarage thickness, superior avarage and inferior avarage values were significantly different between ocular hypertansive, glaucomatous and normal eye groups (p<0.05). There was significantly difference between thinner and thicker corneas in ocular hypertansive group for superior avarage value (p= 0.031).
43 Glaucomatous eyes, 28 ocular hypertansive eyes and 49 control eyes included in this study whose were already control in our clinic. Ultrasonic pachimetry was used to evaluate central corneal thickness, goldmann applanation tonometry was used to evaluate intraoculer pressure and Scanning Laser Polarimetry was used to evaluate nerve fiber layer thickness parameters.
To identify the relationship between central corneal thickness with retinal nevre fiber layer measurements in glaucomatous, ocular hypertansive and normal eyes.
Glaucoma, ocular hypertensive, NFA, central corneal thickness
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